uHPLC / HPLC 3000plus is an Intelligent Combo HPLC / UHPLC with high Pressure handling starting from 9000psi to 18000psi which makes it convenient to use it as either HPLC or Ultra High Pressure UPLC/UHPLC based on customer requirements. Its available in all the possible configurations like simple Isocratic, Binary/Quaternary gradient with Column Oven, UV-Vis / DAD (Diode Array Detector ) / PDA ( Photo diode Array ) / RI ( Refractive Index ), Fluorescence / ELSD ( Evaporative Light Scattering detector ) , Auto-sampler and delivers high injection accuracy. thanks to its high precision machining parts and advanced control algorithm. It also employ a design of changeable sampling loop, which extend linearity range and meet the need of more applications. Its Ultra high pressure handling capability allows it to handle Columns with particle Size as less then 3um /1.5um resulting in short analysis time as the retention time minimised drastically. Saves working costs as it consumes less mobile phase while decreases analysis time. Its good for departments like QC( Quality Control, Research and development, Process development, Analytical Development, etc,.FDA /21CFR Compliant.